Training provider to NHS Trusts and NHS Teaching Universities
Registered with The UK Government Register
of Learning Providers (UKRLP)
Reg: 10093960
Fully Accredited by FEDANT.ORG
(The Federation of Antenatal Educators UK)
Courses and Workshops - Created with you in mind!

Techniques and Tools
Training available in:
Midwifery Teaching Skills Workshop Antenatal Education/Parenting Classes
Ideal workshop for Midwives and Educators who are interested in learning new skills in teaching Antenatal Education.
Communication skills
Interventions with props, illustrations and demos
Birth - props, demonstrations, games and illustrations
Focus on pain relief - visuals, demos, illustrations
Teaching Plan - Guide and set up
Explore teaching techniques that deliver!
Tools in teaching that support knowledge intake
Create a Teaching Plan that is Bespoke to your Hospital
Make learning effective but fun!
Critical thinking. With strong critical thinking skills, Midwives are able to consider the best interests of their Parents, while also working within their goals and standards - developing:
Communication Skills
Organization Skills
Teaching Skills and techniques
Imaginative thinking Skills
Time management - in the Classes
Some teaching skills come naturally to some, whereas others may require development with practice - we are here to provide confidence.
email: for Group Pricing
Midwifery Teaching Skills Workshop Antenatal Class
'Not everyone finds it easy to teach! its one thing catching babies
its another thing trying to teach parents what to expect'
We provide training for Midwives around the UK (NHS and Universities) in their Childbirth Class delivery
Providing Midwives with the tools, skills and resources in Parenting Classes, ensuring the parents have the skills to understand their pregnancy, labour and birth choices
Providing an evidence-based,comprehensive, and actionable plan focused on equity and improved outcomes for all women and their babies.
We provide a workshop that is designed to be action focused, on ensuring women are well informed before pregnancy, building a system of equitable pregnancy-related care, designing a supportive community environment.
In order to achieve these outcomes, the goal of The School of Antenatal Educators recommends bridging the gap in continuity of care.
Bringing training to the Midwives in Antenatal Education, which then supports parents in their birthing experience.
We aim to bridge the gap between Antenatal Classes and the Labour Ward. In equipping all your midwives with the same teaching techniques, same support to parents, helps provide continuity of care from the beginning of pregnancy and beyond!
We are able bespoke the course to your own hospital /university policy and already established classes.
Training can be delivered either in-person or via zoom workshop
Our training has Full Certification.
We would love an opportunity to see how we can support you!
Aimed at Midwives and Qualified Educators
Providing confidence in Antenatal Classes
We welcome large training groups NHS - Universities - Private Individuals - Clinics
"Amazing workshop, Dawn was with me the whole way.
I gained confidence in not only my own teaching abilities but also in myself as a person. I feel i am much better equipped to deliver my Antenatal Classes now in a way that is understood by Parents"
Lisa Midwife 2023