In Pregnancy - End-to-End Support
MICA has been developed over 4 years - sourcing up-to-date evidence based information.

MasterClass in Childbirth App
Complete Interactive Resources at your fingertips
Resource Links
Mirror Image, perfect for Zoom and TV
Become eco friendly, save on printing
Perfect for sharing in classes to reinforce Advocacy and knowledge
A Great resource in Maternity settings as well as a Stand Alone Childbirth Class for parents
EasyRead with Illustrations
Illustrations and pictures to support teaching and learning
Instantly Accessible
Easy to navigate, 3 stop click to information
Evidence Based Content
Information is linked to resources and information for further learning
To request a Quote fill out the Request form below:
You can purchase Access Codes below - to distribute to your parents. If you require a large quantity please get in touch for a price!

Unlock Tools in Childbirth -The 'MasterClass in Childbirth' App
For Professionals GP's, Midwifes, Educators, Doulas - if you are interested in the
distribution of the App to your Parents
Feel free to message dawn@schoolofantental.com for further information
Supporting Parents, guiding them through their labour and birth choices, supporting Advocacy from the beginning!
The Aim: That transparency from the Antenatal Class is crossed over to parents, an App that is used in the Childbirth Class and to be distributed to Parents
Emphasising the knowledge and learning process, so that parents
make well informed choices based on accurate knowledge
The App is absolutely perfect for a teaching - information instantly accessible. Great for parents who struggle to attend an Antenatal Class a perfect resource for impaired hearing
Our vision: That the MasterClass in Childbirth App, is available to all, 'Bridging the gap in continuity of care'
We would love to speak if you are a GP Surgery, Insurance Company, Organisation, Hospital or Birthing Clinic
We are open to collaborate or in supporting our vision
Message dawn@schoolofantenatal.com

Improves Patient Confidence in Understanding App Health
ORCHA is a leading independent provider of healthcare App evaluations and reviews.
The MasterClass in Childbirth App has been Certified by ORCHA.
The standards used in the assessment are drawn from sources such as the GDPR Guidelines,
CQC regulations and the NICE evidence standards framework
"ORCHA noted that the NHS Health Check lends itself to some degree of digitisation, as the main elements of the check focus on data capture and analysis and the support of behavioural change by patients, all of which are common features in digital health tools"
Digital health products that support the NHS
"I'm new as an Educator and found this App a great resource in building my confidence. I share the App with my parents too so they are prepared for my classes. Sharing with my parents also helps them retain the information, they can refer back to the App way after my classes which reinforces learning :) very happy thank you School of Antenatal"
Siobhan - 2022
"A lifesaver of an App! i wasn't offered an NHS Childbirth Class as this was my 2nd birth. The information was invaluable - i learned so much. My partner downloaded it too. Loved it! thank you"
Sarah (Isle of Man) - 2023
"It's an amazing app! Makes teaching so much easier. All information is at the tip of your fingers and can be trusted 100%. Dawn is an amazing teacher and has come up with this very revolutionary app to help antenatal educators like me. This is truly Godsend! Thank you Dawn!! 😊