Підтримка акушерок у межах NHS
Підтримка батьків
Післяпологова підтримка
Догляд за дитиною
Вивчення практики, заснованої на доказах
Сучасні дослідження
Застосування теорії на практиці для задоволення потреб кожної дитини
Вивчення різних ролей пологової сестри
Натисніть тут дляЗаявка та варіанти оплати
Навчання пологової сестри
Maternity Support Worker Roles (UK)
A Maternity Support Worker (MSW) provides support to a maternity team, mothers and their families.
The MSW undertakes duties in a variety of maternity settings, under the supervision and direction of a midwife. MSWs support and complement the care that midwives provide to mothers and babies in hospitals and maternity clinics.
Maternity support workers can be NHS Agenda for Change banded at 2, 3 or 4.
RCM info
The MSW (Band 2) can carry out a range of tasks that focus on housekeeping, administration and the personal care of mothers and babies. They will work in a range of maternity settings under the direct supervision of a midwife.
The MSW (Band 3) will undertake a range of delegated clinical duties. These may be in addition to the tasks undertaken in a Band 2 MSW role. They may work in a range of maternity settings, including delivering care to mothers and babies in their homes in the absence of a midwife.
The MSW (Band 4), in addition to the duties that a MSW (Band 3) could undertake, will have additional responsibilities that require higher communication and organisational skills. Examples include: leading on a public health initiative, e.g. smoking cessation or having responsibility for the training and development of other MSWs.